3 Ways to Prevent Your Child from Experiencing Summer Learning Loss

Summer vacation is for taking a break, beaches, ice cream, and playing around sprinklers. But it is also the time when children can go through regression of skills, which is often known as summer learning loss. It is a period that falls between the end of one year of school and the beginning of the following year.

Studies suggest that as compared to typical children, children with special needs experience a more significant learning loss during this time. On average, the skills loss includes 2.6 months of math skills and two months of reading skills, which means the kids have to spend six weeks of the next year in re-learning previous material. For this reason, children need to continue learning and practicing skills.

If you’re a parent to a special needs child and wondering how to prevent summer learning loss, then you’re on the right page. In this post, we will give you some tips to prevent your special needs kid from experiencing skills regression.

       Take Part in Special Needs Summer Programs

By sending your child to summer programs for special needs kids, you not only help your child have fun but also learn new skills and make friends. In simple words, learning never stops. But to make the most of special needs summer camp, you must choose a program that meets your child’s needs and requirements.

       Leverage the Extended School Year Program

When it comes to Extended School Year (ESY) programs, they are designed to offer social, academic, and vocational skills maintenance. If your special needs child is eligible, you can send him/her to maintain a consistent routine while getting social and recreational experiences.

       Maintain a Routine

Establishing a daily schedule is one of the best ways to cope up with learning loss during the summer vacation. For example, if your child knows what she/he needs to do for each day, then it will be easier to cope with transitions and behave appropriately.

Apart from this, there are a lot of fun and interesting ways to continue your child’s learning during the summer break, such as outdoor experiential learning. Also, keep in mind that learning is not limited to academics, your child can learn from nature and various other day-to-day activities.

If you’re looking for one of the best summer camps for kids with Asperger’s, Down syndrome, or Autism, then get in touch with Camp Lee Mar. Our special needs summer camp experts will provide you with every single detail you need.
