Special Educational Needs: Everything You Need to Know

Each year, Camp Lee Mar welcomes thousands of children with special needs, such as Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Down syndrome, and so on. We have various summer programs for special needs children that focus on making their lives better.

Often, most people ask us questions related to their children with special needs. But one of the most common questions is what special educational needs are and who requires them? For this reason, our experts have explained everything about special educational needs.

What are special educational needs?

Any disability in a particular child that makes learning more difficult for him/her than other kids of similar age is known as special education needs. It means such children would require specific support and assistance to keep up with their learning at school. Usually, the local authority offers much-needed help to children with special education needs.

However, to provide kids with the right support, parents should get familiar with different types of special education needs. With this information, they will be able to choose the most suitable option for their child. Following are some examples that can be handled with special educational needs:

  • Speech and communication difficulties - If a child finds it hard to communicate with others or has speech limitations. 
  • Learning and cognitive issues - Such differences arise when a child has learning difficulties and delayed cognitive skills, such as kids with dyslexia or Autism.
  • Behavioral and emotional differences - In such cases, children fail to focus or concentrate at school and have inappropriate behavior issues. It happens because these kids lack confidence and self-esteem, or it could be due to a neurological disorder.
  • Sensory difficulties - Kids with sensory needs face challenges to keep up with their daily life. Therefore, they require specific help or a quieter environment to concentrate and focus.
  • Physical needs - A physical disability or medical condition can also become a barrier to a child’s learning abilities. Thus, she/he may require extra support and aid. It can happen to children with cerebral palsy or who are visually impaired. 

These are some of the issues that can be managed with special educational needs. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist or child’s pediatrician to learn about your child’s condition and administer the right treatment and aid.

If you need more information about special needs summer programs or camps, contact our professionals at Camp Lee Mar.
